
Inception meeting between Apac DLG and SADEEM-AL-QUWEIT.

Apac District Local Government conducted an inception meeting with SADEEM-AL-QUWEIT, a company contracted by Uganda Government for the construction works of Rwekunye - Apac road, Lot 1. The meeting was held on 28/01/2021 at Planning Unit boardroom of Apac District Local Government.

During the meeting, CAO Apac, Mr. Micael Wanje urged the contracted company to constantly furnish the relevant offices of Apac district local government with information pertaining the road construction works. "We have the office of the CAO, RDC, DPC, that you need to constantly interact with throughout the project period", noted Wanje. He further implored them to always invite district stakeholders to attend site meetings because it is through site meetings that pertinent issues are discussed and agreed on by all parties involved in the project. "We have had experience with past contractors who used to conduct site meetings and invite only officials from Central Government and even forget that Local Government is here who is a key stakeholder." Said Wanje.  

Apac Municipal Council Mayor, Hon. Patrick Ongom Eyul remarkably called for team work in the execution of the road construction work. He further urged the contracted company to involve the local community in the project execution. "Take into account that the local leaders of Apac are emphasising the employment of the local community in positions that they deserve in this project.", said Ongom.  He noted that the youths are lying idle and this project can benefit them as well if the contracted company employs them.