
Apac MPs return Corvid-19 money

Apac MPs return Corvid-19 money

Apac woman member of Parliament , Betty Engola and her counterpart, Patrick Ocan, the Apac  Municipality MP, have each returned the shs20 million controversial Corvid-19 to District Task Force.

While handing over the money to Chief administrative Officer, Wanje Michael, Engola said it was prudent to accept the court ruling. This was during the TaskForce meeting held at Red Cross Grounds.

Betty Engola tasked the District leaders to ensure the funds are put in good use, especially ensuring the personal protective equipment for health workers and other health equipment are procured so as to guard against catching Corona virus.

On the other hand, hon Ocan Patrick advised that the money returned be spent on water costs at Apac hospital and boreholes rehabilitation. Ocan noted he was committed to ensure the safety of his constituents by boosting efforts of  the Taskforce and health teams.