
Apac hands over NOSP motorcycles to the extension staff to boost extension services

Apac District Local Government has given out two motorcycles received from the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries this afternoon to boost small holder farmers in the increase of production and productivity of the Oil Seeds using modern production technology.

The two motorcycles were given to Agricultural staff from Apac & Chegere Sub Counties to enhance production from the two Sub Counties. The staff are Elinga Maxwell- Apac Sub County and Akech Caroline- Chegere Sub County.

When giving out the motorcycles, Odongo Tonny Jasper- District Vice Chairperson/Secretary Production, Marketing & Natural Resources warned the Officers against diverting the motorcycles into different activities leaving out its original purpose.

He urged them to use this to train the farmers on the practice and production through mechanized agricultural method of farming.

Chief Administrative Officer, Canon George Adoko urged the extension staff who have taken the motorcycles to use it to improve Agricultural mechanization by training farmers on using new technologies. He said the motorcycles were given to support agricultural extension workers in delivering services in sub counties.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries together with the Ministry of Local Government recently distributed 162 motorcycles to 81 Districts in the Sub Regions of Lango, Acholi, Karamoja, West Nile, Greater Luwero, Sebei and parts of Teso. These motorcycles are to boost the implementation of National Oil Seed Project (NOSP) funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID).

The Officers showed their optimism in improving the agricultural production within their area and assured Officials that this will yield better results from the Community members.