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Apac District Council approves the Architectural Design of a 3.88b Council Complex

By Bongonyinge Felix
Communication Officer/Apac
Eng. Ogwang Emmanuel, the project engineer at Parvard Consult Ltd today 5th July, 2023 presented the Architectural design of the Council Complex to Apac District leaders at the District Scouts Hall.
The three floor building has a sitting capacity of more than 200, Offices, Boardrooms and other necessities. The Complex construction amounts to 3.88 billion shillings which is ought to commence after the Council mobilization of the funds.
The Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, Mr. Muboki Paul told Councilors that the Complex will be very useful and will speak volumes for Apac District. He asked them not to worry too much as the building like any other project will start small until completion.
The District Vice Chairperson, Odongo Tonny Jasper said it was necessary to present the plan to them so that adjustments are made by the entire Council. He said the construction could not begin without the building plan which they entrusted Parvard Consult Ltd to come with the plan.
He added that the District has allocated some little funds for the start resources shall be generated from various quantinuum.
In his closure, Obong Peter Acuda asked Heads of Department, Sector Heads and Councilors to do little sacrifice for the construction.
He said that the actual work should commence as the council has to approve the plan. Cautioned greedy people who always eat from whatsoever project to be very far from this as they will not find it well.
The Council anonymously approves the design and request for the actual work to begin.